Indirect Questions
Se utilizan para hacer preguntas a personas que no conocemos.
Do you now......?
Do you have any idea...?
Can you tell me...?
Could you tell me?
Nota: En ingles no pueden estar dos pregunta dentro de la misma oración.
1. En las preguntas indirectas con is / are, el verbo (is) viene después del sujeto (Market Street)..
2. En las preguntas indirectas, no usamos los verbos auxiliares do / do / did. También, puedes ver que el verbo es "abierto" en la pregunta directa, y "abre" en la pregunta indirecta.
3. Los verbos auxiliares tienen y tienen pueden ser utilizados en las preguntas directas e indirectas - pero en la pregunta directa, "tiene" viene antes que el sujeto (él), y en la pregunta indirecta, "tiene" viene después del sujeto...
4. Los verbos auxiliares tienen y tienen pueden ser utilizados en las preguntas directas e indirectas - pero en la pregunta directa, "tiene" viene antes que el sujeto (él), y en la pregunta indirecta, "tiene" viene después del sujeto...
5. Para formar la pregunta indirecta, eliminar y cambiar "costo" a "costos".
6. Para las preguntas directas con can, podemos usar la frase "sería posible..." hacerla indirecta. "
7. "Hay alguna posibilidad..." es otra opción para formar preguntas indirectas con can.
Direct: Where is Market Street?
Indirect: Could you tell me where Market Street is?
Direct: What time does the bank open?
Indirect: Do you know what time the bank opens?
Direct: How has he managed to get in shape so quickly?
Indirect: Do you have any idea how he’s managed to get in shape so quickly?
Direct: How much does this motorcycle cost?
Indirect: I’d like to know how much this motorcycle costs.
Direct: Can you finish the project by tomorrow?
Indirect: Would it be possible for you to finish the project by tomorrow?
Direct: Can we change the meeting to Thursday?
Indirect: Is there any chance we could change the meeting to Thursday?
Cuando una pregunta empiece con auxiliar se le agregara "if".
Direct: Does Tom like Italian food?
Indirect: Do you know it tom likes italiam food.
Direct: Is he spanish?
Indirect: Can you tell me if he Spanish?
Direct: Should we start now ?
Indirect: Can you tell me if we should start now?
Direct: Have you seen my dog?
Indirect: Could you tell me if you have seen my dog?
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